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Vascular Imaging

Interventional Cardiologist located in Mansfield, TX
Vascular Imaging

Vascular Imaging services offered in Mansfield, TX

Vascular imaging allows health care providers to see how well blood flows through your blood vessels. At Complete Cardiac & Vascular Care in Mansfield, Texas, Viral Lathia, MD, and the team use advanced vascular imaging to diagnose and monitor cardiovascular-related health problems. Find out more about vascular imaging at the cardiology practice by calling the office or requesting an appointment online today. Virtual appointments are also available.

Vascular Imaging Q&A

What is vascular imaging?

Vascular imaging refers to various diagnostic tests that allow health care providers to evaluate your blood vessels. 

Your blood vessels support circulation and include arteries that transport oxygen-rich blood to every cell and organ in your body and veins that bring blood back to the heart and lungs for reoxygenation. 

Problems with arteries or veins affect circulation, heart health, and overall wellness. At Complete Cardiac & Vascular Care, Dr. Lathia uses vascular imaging to find circulation problems and create a plan to improve health and wellness.

What are some types of vascular imaging?

Complete Cardiac & Vascular Care is a state-of-the-art cardiology practice that performs many types of vascular imaging. These include:

Lower extremity ultrasound duplex

Lower extremity ultrasound duplex uses soundwave technology to evaluate the movement of blood through the arteries in your arms and legs. This test also looks for plaque buildup along the walls of the arteries to diagnose peripheral artery disease (PAD).

Lower extremity venous duplex

Lower extremity venous duplex is an ultrasound test that evaluates the veins in the legs, looking for damage that may affect blood flow. Dr. Lathia performs this ultrasound for patients with varicose veins to confirm or rule out venous insufficiency, which is a condition that causes poor circulation in the leg veins.

Carotid ultrasound

A carotid ultrasound looks for narrowing or blockages in the carotid artery, which is the main artery to the brain.

Intravascular ultrasound

Intravascular ultrasound is an advanced vascular imaging test that evaluates blood vessels from the inside. For this test, Dr. Lathia inserts a catheter that has an ultrasound tip that gives him exact measurements of your blocked arteries and the type of blockage (plaque versus blood clot) you have. 

Complete Cardiac & Vascular Care also performs echocardiograms to evaluate blood flow through the heart.

Who needs vascular imaging?

Dr. Lathia determines who needs vascular testing after a cardiology consultation. He takes a comprehensive and patient-centered approach to care, gathering as much information as possible to make the right diagnosis and treatment plan.

You may need vascular imaging if you have varicose veins or symptoms of PAD, or leg pain when walking.

After he completes your vascular imaging, Dr. Lathia reviews the results with you and your treatment plan. 

To learn more about vascular imaging, call Complete Cardiac & Vascular Care or reqeust an appointment online today.